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We are thrilled that you have taken the time to visit the website of Withered Hand Ministries, Inc. Our sincere prayers have been focused on individuals like you, encouraging you to become part of our sacred mission for the Kingdom of God. It fills us with great happiness to provide you with a range of Evangelist Jerry’s uplifting books at no charge. If these books have brought you joy and inspiration, we kindly ask you to leave a positive review for them on Amazon.

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We firmly believe these writings will be a powerful tool in your journey toward becoming the best version of yourself for God’s Kingdom. Authored by Dr. Jerry during his time in the cab of his 18-wheeler, these books encapsulate his personal experiences and deep connection with God, enhancing their significance and impact.

Most of Dr. Jerry’s literary works were crafted while he was on the road in his 18-wheeler. After downloading and reading our inspirational books, please get in touch with us.

Remember to click on the "The Hallelujah Times Newsletter" tab on our website to keep up with what is happening throughout the Philippines. We are eager to learn how God has utilized these materials to create a meaningful impact in your life—through personal transformation, a shift in perspective, or a revitalized sense of faith. Your testimonies will not only allow us to celebrate with you but also inspire others who may be seeking similar guidance.

Be blessed, and be a blessing!

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The updated edition of 'A Day After Salvation' is more than just a book - it is a comprehensive guide for anyone who has recently committed their life to the Lord and embraced Christianity. It's a powerful tool to help you deepen your love and knowledge of God as you navigate your new life as a believer in Christ. This book is a profound tribute to Reverend Donald Lee Stewart, who dedicated his life to the Lord's work in over 85 countries worldwide. Reverend Don Stewart, mentored by the late A.A. Allen, was a renowned evangelist who hosted the Power & Mercy TV show, delivering a message of hope to millions worldwide for over forty years. His 

This book is an essential resource for any library and a powerful tool for church ministries dedicated to discipleship and evangelism.  If this book has uplifted your spirits and been a blessing, please give us an honest review on Amazon. We wholeheartedly covet your assistance in spreading the word for the glory of God. Together, we can extend this uplifting message to an even wider audience. Click here: New Salvation Book- July 23, 2024(Ready)

This book is a special commemorative edition in honor of my mother and all mothers. She loved the first edition, published in 2011, and it was the last point of contact I had with her until that tragic accident claimed her life. Thanks to Kindle Amazon for sending me the old manuscript, I now have this colorful "Special Third Edition" with added content that will reveal to the reader the power that is available to the believer, and there is a particular chapter in this edition on "Where is the Holy Ghost today?" This is a must-read for anyone desiring to see our supernatural God show up and take charge of a service like He did with the early church. For Manuscript Click Here: Disarming Principalities, Knowing Your Authority-January18_23_PDF


This book is a new release!

This book will open our eyes to the life God desires for us which can only be found in Christ. Some scholars speak of the essence of life as being able to fulfill your purpose in life. Dear Saints, after years of braving the storms of life,

I have found that The Real Essence of Life can be found in Christ. Click THE ESSENCE OF LIFE_January_20_23_PDF


This book is a new release!

This book is a new release and it is an in-depth study on the subject of tithing. The material in this study will open our eyes to understand that tithing can be a blessing to those who honor and celebrate it as being in business with God. Following its principals will cause us to advance God's kingdom on Earth.

In these colorful pages, the reader will discover some valuable insights that will help fulfill the call that is upon their life and ministry. In this book, we will study the prosperity gospel and how it has been abused as others tended to make it into a business instead of a ministry. Click Spiritual_ Understanding _of_Tith_PDF


A Must Read!

This book is a combination of over (35) years in ministry. In its colorful pages, you will find a complete encyclopedia on how to prepare for a great move of God and experience a true life-changing revival in your heart and your ministry. The forward is by Apostle Don Stewart and the Don Stewart Evangelistic Association.

Click Th e_Awakening_Moments_God_PDF


This book is a new release!

This book talks about the church's condition and how it portrays itself as a lost and hurting world. These are crucial days, and we need the wisdom of God applied to our lives so that we may live a good and prosperous life while here on this Earth. This was also taken from a Prayer Seminar I was blessed to do a few years ago for a leading ministry, and we can glean some good teaching from it. This study is designed to help us realize that we have a wonderful, loving Heavenly Father who desires to have a personal relationship with us.

Click the image to purchase the book and The_Power_of _Prayer_PDF

This book will enlighten you about the divine plan and purpose of our Creator to fulfill the plan to rescue his most significant creation "mankind," from the fall and rebellion of Satan.

This book will answer your deep desire that is lingering within to know more about why you are here and your deep yearning to know more about the Creator who knew you before you were born.

This book will enlighten you to the truths and help you understand that you are a created masterpiece with a unique design and divine purpose for being here. Humanity _Christ_ PDF

This book is an in-depth study of wisdom from an earlier published book titled The Precepts of Wisdom & the Harvest of Understanding. This work is more thorough in exploring wisdom and how it is necessary to make good and sound decisions, including responding to a situation instead of reacting because responding correctly will require careful thought and prayer. This study has a chapter on wisdom during temptation that will open some eyes.

The Bible calls wisdom the principal thing in life, which we all need and experience as the best teacher. This study also has a chapter on Wisdom in Leadership. Wisdom is personified in the book of Proverbs as a woman ready to teach her students. Open the pages of this work of faith and allow wisdom to invite you into her classroom and learn how to apply the knowledge and be able to understand the valuable lessons life has taught you. THE BENEFITS OF WISDOM for PDF

This book is a special commemorative edition in honor of my mother and all mothers. She loved the first edition, published in 2011, and it was the last point of contact I had with her until that tragic accident claimed her life. Thanks to Kindle Amazon for sending me the old manuscript; I now have this special edition, which will reveal to the reader the power available to the believer. This edition has a special chapter on "Where is the Holy Ghost today? "This is a must-read for anyone desiring to see our supernatural God show up and take charge of service as he did with the early church. Knowing_ ready-2020_ PDF

Suppose you are like many who, after receiving salvation, began a journey that seemed so confusing and uncertain, "A Day after Salvation" is the perfect help guide for your continuous growth as a Christian. The journey as a new Christian is challenging but well worth the trouble. God's unconditional love is so pure that even when you fall along the way, he will dust you off, forgive you, and guide you back on the path of righteousness. His sacrifice of death for us to live freely is the main reason we can continue to grow in love and understand who we are each day after receiving salvation.

A Day After Salvation - This book download is older and has been recently revised with added pages. The new version is also now on Amazon as an E-book. Click Here for the Manuscript in PDF

I was blessed to write this inspirational book while parked at a Wyoming truck terminal. I was preparing for a mission trip to the Philippines but was worried about the COVID-19 pandemic affecting my plans. I asked permission to have two days off to seek the Lord concerning my upcoming trip to the Philippines and felt led to write this book. I did it on the two days off and self-published it on the third day. During this time off, I heard the whisper of God say, Stay where you are, and the next day, all of my flights and connecting flights began to be canceled.

 Click on the image to purchase my book from Amazon. SPIRITUAL-GIFTS-FIVE FOLD-PDF

God has used this book to touch many lives. Most people who read it state that it captures the reader and makes them want to read it repeatedly. This book is an excellent work of faith, and we plan to turn it into a series. 

This work of art is about a professional truck driver preacher living in a fast-paced world where everyone is in a hurry to go nowhere, and the love of many has waxed cold.

Click the image to purchase the book, and Click here for the PDF.

This book is a devotional prayer seminar that covers a broad spectrum concerning the benefits of developing and maintaining a sincere prayer life. This book consists of an in-depth study on prayer and the supernatural happenings that came about as the Lord began to touch my heart about the condition of the church and how it is portraying itself to a lost and hurting world.

These are very crucial days, and we need the wisdom of God applied to our lives so that we may live a good and prosperous life while here on Earth..1 Corinthians 3 verse 22 states that "things present are ours, for support on the road; things to come are ours to enrich and regale for our journey therefore if we belong to Christ, and are true to him and his word, all good belongs to us".

This study will teach us how to enter into and develop a relationship with the Lord, producing a dynamic, magnified prayer life guaranteed to get Heaven's attention! Click the image to purchase the book click here The-Magnified-Power-of-Prayer-PDF.

This past June 28th, 2018, while traveling the roads through Montana, I had a visitation from the Spirit of God saying, “Jerry, I want you to rewrite the book you wrote on “The True Vine.” I said Lord, I have given the notes from that book to others, and they are writing books from them to which he replied, “I want you to rewrite it and title it “Strength through the Vine.” He told me more, saying, “The Test of Strength.” I know the Lord will use this book to change some lives and give deeper understanding to others, and may God get the glory. A-men. Click the image to purchase, and here for the PDF.

Free Truckers Stories

Step by Step Ministries - Free Truckers Stories Book

Contact Rev. Jim & Carla Barbarossa 

815 South Babcock Road                                                                                                         

Porter, Indiana 46304   Ph: 219-762-7589

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