Sermons Notes


Attention, everyone:

My name is Pastor Robert E. Hale. As the President and Treasurer of Withered Hand Ministries, Inc., I have exciting news for you. Our founder, Dr. Jerry, is conducting revivals in the Philippines with his wife, Augustina. While they are away, we are privileged to offer exclusive access to some of Dr. Jerry's most inspirational messages from the word of God. These messages are only available for viewing and downloading on To access this exclusive content, click on this link: or search "Jerry Hulse."

We sincerely appreciate your continued interest and support in Dr. Jerry and TinTin's ministry activities. Your emails and messages have been a source of encouragement for us. To further explore Dr. Jerry's work, we invite you to visit his author's den page To access this exclusive content, simply click on this link:

We invite you to take your engagement with our ministry to the next level by subscribing to our YouTube Channel. Doing so gives you access to a wealth of ministry videos, including my recent ministry trip to visit Dr. Jerry & TinTin in the Philippines. Dr. Jerry & TinTin rented the  Cinema in the Quezon City Fairview Mall and opened a door for me to minister to four hundred fifty people. Your subscription keeps you updated and helps us reach more people with the message of God's love. To access our channel, click on the link provided. Jerry & TinTin Hulse

Pastor Robert E. Hale - President                                                                                                                                Withered Hand Ministries, Inc.