The Hallelujah Times Newsletter



"The Hallelujah Times Monthly Newsletter”
March - April - May, 2024 

Dear Reader,

Welcome to The Hallelujah Times Newsletter, a monthly update on Withered Hand Ministries. In this newsletter, we share the ministry adventures of Dr. Jerry and his wife, Augustina, whom we call TinTin. They are two renowned visionaries preparing people for revival in the Philippines. We are excited to have you here and have been praying for individuals like you to join us in our mission to bring about a strong revival in the Philippines.

My name is Augustina Hulse, but most people call me TinTin, and I am Dr. Jerry W. Hulse's wife. Dr. Jerry is the official International Evangelist for Miracle Life Church International, a ministry founded by the late A.A. Allen and carried on for many years under the guidance of the Don Stewart Evangelistic Association.

On April 30, 2024, we flew to Siargao Island to attend conventions and participate in a crusade sponsored by our wonderful friend from the USA, minister recording artist Brother Caleb Howard. Each pastor was designated to minister in a church there, and my husband was selected to minister in the same church he had ministered in when we were there in 2023.

His message was, "To Be A Winner, You Must Learn How To Lose." At the closing of the service, the altar was filled with people seeking deliverance and more of God. God showed up to meet their need.

The crusade was held in the local gymnasium, which was like having an open-air service for the building had no enclosure, which meant no air conditioning. Over 300 people attended the event. The praise and worship team was incredible, and the musicians, especially one of the lead guitarists, could do things with his guitar that we had never witnessed before.

Brother Caleb told them from the stage before his singing and preaching that they might as well throw the musician's guitar in the trash because no more notes were left in it after he had just played it as he did. Being from America, Brother Caleb and my husband Jerry encountered some difficulties working with their interpreters, but God, in his way, reached out to touch many people's lives. We are still receiving reports of healing, both physically and spiritually.

On May 25, 2024, our home church, Miracle Life Church Fortune Valenzuela, took a 3.5-hour road trip to Zambales, Philippines, near the San Juan area, for an overnight outing on the beach. More than fifty people from the church attended this event. The church brought tents to sleep in, and we held a powerful nighttime service on the beach. Pastor Bryan Henson stood near the water's edge, his face illuminated by the flickering bonfire, and began to speak with an anointed voice: "Run Toward the Roar."

That night, on the beach near the ocean, our pastor spoke with unwavering enthusiasm in the warm glow of a fire that the church youth had kindled, destined to later serve for roasting hotdogs and marshmallows. In his message, he recounted a time from his youth when he faced a much older bully who made his life miserable. One day, he decided to confront the bully, and even though he couldn't handle the situation alone, the larger bully of the block intervened and came to his rescue.

After the church service, everyone joyfully danced and relished each other's company while expertly roasting hot dogs and marshmallows. Since the sticks were short, some guys skillfully removed the wood propped up in the fire. They strategically placed two cinderblocks near the edge of the fire and positioned an old grill on top, ingeniously allowing the children to lay their short sticks with hot dogs and marshmallows on top of the grill.

Not long after this, thunderclouds moved in, bringing torrents of rain that drenched the tents, which held to keep everyone dry. The rain may have annoyed some, but to others, it was like music that lulled them into a peaceful night's sleep.

We decided to take a break in June and July. Our MLCI NCR District gathered to clean out the old Don Stewart Miracle Revivals building in Marikina City, Philippines. My husband and I received thousands of his green, red, and blue prayer cloths, which he gave away in his crusades and TV program Power and Mercy. The ministry gave him the photos of the late Don Stewart and A.A. Allen hanging in the building. We now have our extra bedroom loaded with pamphlets and many other materials he used in his ministry.

My husband Jerry is in tears, telling me our home is saturated with God's divine presence. You can click this link to watch a short video of us cleaning the building. Click Here on this Link

You can find us on Facebook under "Jerry N Augustina Hulse."  Additionally, my husband does a live podcast on his YOUTUBE channel called "Miracle Life Church International," including HOD Radio Network and on our Facebook page every Saturday at 9 a.m. Philippine time and Friday at 9 p.m. Eastern US Time. This live service can also be viewed on The Call-In Church Facebook group page.

It is important to remember that Praise and worship without personal sacrifice are incomplete. We request that you pray and seek God's guidance on how you can contribute to this ministry, such as your prayers and support, which will assist us in spreading the message of The Gospel of Jesus Christ worldwide. Click on our website tab below to see how to give your tax-free gift online.

We hope you are blessed and can share your blessings with others. Please forward this newsletter to your friends who might be interested.

Copyright © 2024 

Dr. Jerry W. Hulse International Evangelist - Miracle Life Church International

Email for appointments:                      

May 30th, 2023

WHM President -Pastor Robert Hale

Recently, I, R-----, visited a brother in The Lord & a friend. B---- is an up-in-years mechanic. He has had several problems over the years with his back & body. B---- had two back surgeries in the late '90s. The day I saw him, he was in a particular predicament. His left leg had gone numb to the point he was having a tough time walking & standing. B---- was couch-bound and in misery. B---- is self-employed without insurance or other means of earning a living. 

After a short time, I saw The Lord's compassionate love and reminded B---- that I was a minister & an elder. I reminded him of James 5:

14-Is any sick among you? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:

15-And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him; if he has committed sins, they shall be forgiven.

16-Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

I asked him if he had any oil & then I asked him to follow the recipe of the Holy Scripture and to ask me to pray for him (NOT THAT I AM ANYTHING, BUT THAT THE WORD IS EVERYTHING). He did, and then I anointed him with the oil (representing The Blood & Holy Spirit of Christ), reminding Father God of His Word and the fault tormenting my brother. Immediately, B---- had relief! Within a day, he was back at work. Within a couple of days, this part of his heavily damaged body had gotten its healing. 

The 2nd miracle from this occurrence was that a friend of his, S----, whom I had never met, was given the testimony by B----. S---- had been away from God for many years. S---- 's brother is even a Pastor, but this Pastor's life has been full of worry, strife, and debate over his circumstances of both church, COVID-19, & having to go back into a previous career to pay his family's bills. This certainly did not help S----'s faith or lifestyle. S----'s testimony was that he had never seen or even heard of any miracles or circumstances where God was real. He prayed earnestly for God to show him if he was real. B----'s dilemma & subsequent healing now stood up in his spirit were the deep calleth to the for a relationship he confidently longs for. 

S----'s testimony to me was that faith in action with results was what He was looking for to restore a relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ.

It shows us that we never know what God will do if we are only the church and not just a pew sitter.

(Mark 16: 15=18)  (15) "And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." (16) "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned." (17) "And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;" (18) "They shall take up serpents, and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick and recover."

Just Go!